    2019年04月11日 16:09

【题目】Direction-of-arrival Estimation Based on Compressive Sensing: From On-grid to Gridless 基于压缩感知的DOA估计方法:从on-grid到gridless

【报告人】南京邮电大学 吴晓欢博士



【英文摘要】Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation based on Compressive Sensing (CS) theory is a popular direction in array signal processing area. Compared to the subspace-based methods, the CS-based methods are able to overcome the imperfect scenarios such as small snapshots, low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and correlated sources, exhibiting satisfactory estimation performance. However, due to the inequivalent relation between the array model and CS model, these CS-based methods suffer from the limitation of the sparse reconstruction algorithms. More importantly, because of the high correlation and high complexity caused by the grid division, the sparsity-based methods cannot satisfy the requirement of different array processing system in terms of accuracy, computational complexity and adaptability as a whole. With the development of the CS theory, there are three development stages for the CS-base DOA estimation methods: on-grid, off-grid and gridless. The grid mismatch effect caused by the discretization is being overcome. In this talk, I will introduce these three kinds of methods and our recent works in these stagies. I will introduce three covariance-based DOA estimation methods, aiming to eliminate the limitation of the grid division, improve the estimation performance of the CS-based methods as well as reduce the computational co


【报告人简介】吴晓欢,于2017年在南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院获得博士学位,2018年度“南京邮电大学优秀博士论文”获得者。博士毕业后留校任教。主要研究领域:阵列信号处理、到达角估计、毫米波通信。以第一作者身份在IEEE TVT、Sensors Journal、Signal Processing、ICASSP、DSP等国际知名期刊和会议上发表论文十余篇,其中ESI高被引论文1篇,目前Google学术引用100余次。主持国家青年基金、江苏省青年基金等相关项目5项,参与面上项目2项,同时担任IEEE TSP、TVT、SPL、Signal Processing等知名期刊审稿人。